• Interested in working with Stu?

    We have a 3-step process to help us (you+us) find out if now's the time to make it happen

    Step 1 - Complimentary Clarity Call

    Step 2 - 75 min Movement & Strength Assessment ($250)

    Step 3 - Follow Up Call

    Gain the info, experience and clarity needed for all of us to make a decision?

  • How it works


    Clarity Call


    We get a sense of you, your goals, challenges, problems and burning questions. You get a sense of us and The Squat Mechanic Approach.

    We ask if it makes sense and sounds good to you, you tell us if location, available times and price would work if we move forward.

    We book you a Movement & Strength Assessment Session.


    Movement & Strength Assessment


    You meet Stu, Stu meets you

    You get a feel for his approach, he sees your body move.

    You find out if this is for you and walk away with personalised technique corrections and progressions. Stu does his assessments and finds out if there's a fit to work together.


    Follow Up Call

    Nuff said?

    After your session, you go home, Stu goes home.

    You get time to reflect, Stu gets time to put your session videos and insights together.

    We follow up.

  • Not ready to book yet?

    Let me ask you this

    Are you exercising regularly and not developing the results you want

    If you answered yes, I get it. There's nothing more frustrating than putting in hours of work and not seeing results.

    You're not alone. An enormous number of people train regularly yet find it seemingly impossible to achieve their physique goals.

    Why? Often the only thing standing between them and those goals are subtle technique errors that may look minor but significantly alter which muscles are firing.

    I imagine you're aware that on some level technique and movement quality matter, and if you're anything like my other clients, your workout buddies and trainers haven't helped you pinpoint exactly where your body has dropped the ball.

    What you may not be aware of is the fact that the slightest tweak in just the right place, at just the right time can ensure your glutes are actually driving your squat or add 5-10kg to your bar weight.

    Or maybe you are aware of this, and you've been browsing YouTube trying to understand exactly what's wrong and how to fix it, all the while wishing the instructor would pop out of the screen to look at your body and tell you what to do.

    It may not sound sexy but having your technique and movement quality assessed, optimised and entrained by a specialist will transform the way you lift, train, move, feel, and look.

    There's only so far you can go with YouTube and Coach Google when every body is different.

    I should know.

    I’ve worked in the fitness industry for over 15 years and have trained Olympic athletes, powerlifting champions, fitness models and every other type of client you can imagine. I also teach personal training qualifications to aspiring fitness professionals and have written large sections of their textbook and curriculum.

    As I've sought answers to the more complex issues personal trainers face, I've come to specialise in helping people rapidly maximise their potential for strength and physique development. The work I do optimises technique and re-trains movement patterns to ensure that the targeted muscles activate in any given exercise every single time.

    There's not too much more that I can say.

    Fifteen years in the fitness industry. Seven years at the world-renowned Melbourne University Sport Centre. Strength and conditioning. Elite athlete development. Powerlifting coaching. Rehabilitation. Lecturer. Mentor.

    Figure models. Eccentric professors. Olympic athletes. Obese mums. Special Operations Group police officers. Nerds from the physics department. Professional fighters.

    Show me a body type or a goal I haven’t encountered before and I’ll be impressed.

    I'm not a fan of the hard sell or blowing my own horn, but I have to say I'm confident that with one call and one session you'll feel the difference, and I'll know whether we (you+me) can get you the physique, gains and glutes you want.

  • What if it doesn't work out?

    Let’s be honest, chemistry isn’t just for the science lab.

    If it's not there for us I’ll have no hesitation referring you to someone else.

    Not just anybody else – an experienced professional who knows training and who can give you the guidance you’re looking for.

    I’m fortunate to have some amazing allied health professionals not only in my professional network, but among my friends.

    Need an urgent treatment on a Sunday before heading overseas? Let me call in a favour. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done it.

    Strength coaches, massage therapists, biomechanics experts, osteopaths, gait analysts, chiropractors, neuroscience experts. If I can't help your unique body, chances are I know who can.

    If you want to know more, ask me. Even if we do get along.

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    And if it does work out?

    We're a team you and me.

    You don't walk into our session and wait for me to boss you around. It doesn't work like that.

    Each session is unique, based on you. What you've been working on. What you've recently achieved. What you want to improve this week.

    With that information I'll build a mental picture of what today’s session will involve, and run it by you. You can make suggestions. If those suggestions suck, I'll tell you. Teamwork.

    If you like what you’ve read so far, and want to start building change together, here’s what happens next:

  • Ready to take me up on the offer?

    Book a Complimentary Clarity Call

    Consider a 75-Minute Movement & Strength Assessment Session

    No obligation. No free steak knives. Just insight and information.

  • Need a little more understanding of what's involved?


    Arrange a call with my Client Liaison, Lauren.

    You'll chat to Loz about yourself, and a bit about us.

    You'll cover what’s working for you, what’s not.

    Your body, goals, strengths, experiences.

    I also expect you to use this opportunity to interrogate her as much as you like.

    We don’t charge for talking. Just for making you stronger.

    Lauren will let you know how we operate and what's different about my approach.

    She'll let you know what to expect if you were to train with me - price, commitment, time.



    A face to face, in the gym, with me

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    I need to watch you move.
    You're not like anyone else.
    I’m not going to pull a generic template out of my hat and pretend I created it just for you.
    I need to see where your body is strong and where it’s weak before I know where we need to start. Without that I’m no better than the generic GloboGym trainer that let you down last time.
    broken image
    The way your weight shifts subtly forward into your toes when you squat? That’s a problem, we need to address that.
    That arching of your back? It’s telling me your core muscles are not firing optimally, and, believe it or not, is actually preventing you from building that butt we were talking about earlier.
    Shoulders slumped forward?
    Easier fixed than you might think.
    broken image

    Many trainers have a one-dimensional understanding of what a movement should look like.

    They see exercise in black or white, right or wrong.

    Movement doesn’t work like that.

    Unlimited subtle variations of an exercise depend upon thousands of individual factors specific to you.

    broken image
    We need to find the variation that works with your body, your ability, your goals.

    This is about you, remember?

    When you and your body are ready for it, we’ll pick up heavy things and then put them back down.
    If you and your body aren't yet ready, it's ok. We'll take the necessary steps to prepare. It's not important how much you bench press, or if you bench press at all.
    We work together, you progress. That's why you're here.
    This is your chance to see if this is for you. If it’s not, we won't take anymore of your money. No hard feelings.

    After we've had time to think and reflect you'll debrief with Loz

    To commit or not to commit, that is the question.

    Trust me, commitment freaks me out too – even my phone contract is month to month.
    But it's up to you.
    And before the option to commit is even on the table -
    You'll chat to Loz about what you liked, learned, experienced, felt in our session.
    If I haven't done it directly, she'll share any insights, videos, references that came up during or after our session
    We want to make sure that you walk away with more understanding and steps you can take to progress - whether you sign up for more sessions or not!
    And we love feedback.
    You'll chat about whether we (us + you) think there's a fit work together
    If we don't think there is - we'll let you know why
    I have never, and will never, take anyone's money if I don't think I can be of service
    If it's all systems go then Loz will map out the details of how to proceed -
    You'll talk how often we’ll work together. Where. When.
    And lastly,
    you'll talk money. I’m not cheap, but you knew that already.
    Good or Cheap: Pick one.
    We'll take some money up front and arrange a direct debit.
    Why (the f***) would you do that?
    It motivates me because I know you’re serious.
    And it motivates you because you have a couple of greenbacks on it. As Liza Minelli said, money makes the world go around.
    It’s also much more likely to prevent you from texting me 11 minutes before your next session saying you 'have a migraine'.
    Win-win. Skin in the game.
    If you’re a struggling Arts student or your ex-wife has left you and taken all your money, we can talk. I’ve been an Arts student too.
  • If you've read this far

    There's not much more we can say, other than

    Book a Clarity Call (on us)

    Book a 75-Minute Movement & Strength Assessment Session ($250)

    Do it now or after the call - up to you

    Ball. Court. In Yours.



    Have a question we haven't answered on the FAQ or Book Now pages?


    Interested in future opportunities to work with Stu?


    Let us know and we'll be in touch


    Address: Mind and Body Gym Fitzroy, 81 Johnston St, Fitzroy VIC 3065
    Select times available Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
    Each client has a set time each week to fit with teaching and mentoring schedules.
    Workshops are run in Melbourne and interstate upon request.
    Book a Clarity Call or send us an email. No need for phone tag. Convenient, Simple & Direct.