Frequently Asked Questions
Let's clear a few things up.
So you’re The Squat Mechanic. Do you only fix squats?
Actually, no. I fix everything. Years of elite lifting coaching and biomechanical analysis allows me to fine tune pretty much any exercise. All the good ones, anyway.
Why call yourself The Squat Mechanic if you fix more than just squats?
Good question. One of the very first things I'll have any able-bodied client do is demonstrate a squat. The way a person squats reveals so much about them; strengths, weaknesses, imbalances, restrictions. It's like a map to the inner workings of their body.
For this reason I'll often have my clients squat during a session, even if it's just during their warm up. Assessing and correcting so many squats over the years led me to joke to a colleague, 'I spend all day fixing people's squats; I'm like a squat mechanic', and the name just stuck.
Plus ‘The Deadlift Mechanic’ just didn’t have the same ring to it.
Do you only train women?
Nope. We all need good strong glutes and what bloke doesn't want a shapely butt?
Why is squatting so important?
Squat-like movement patterns have been performed by humans since we first walked the earth and are an integral part of lower-body mechanics. Moving from standing sitting is a variation on a squat, likewise sitting to standing. Even the action of walking upstairs is something of a single-leg squat pattern.
Squatting is recognised in the fitness community as perhaps the most fundamental and beneficial exercise of all, and as such is one of the most commonly performed exercises in any gym or exercise class. Improving a person’s squat technique has such enormous carryover to their day-to-day life that over the course of my career I've found myself employing it as a diagnostic tool as much as a strength exercise.
Interested in working with Stu?
We have a 3-step process to help us (you+us) find out if there's a fit for you and Stu to work together
Step 1 - Complimentary Clarity Call
Step 2 - 75 min Movement & Strength Assessment ($250)
Step 3 - Follow Up Call
Find out if now's the time for you to work with Stu
Ready to gain the info, experience and clarity needed for all of us to make a decision?
If I can’t squat or don’t want to squat is there any point working with you?
Definitely. My passion for correcting movement, improving posture and increasing function and definition isn't limited to the lower body – the upper body is just as important and will get just as much attention. Or even more, if you'd prefer.
If my goal is to build a more shapely butt, will we only do squats? That sounds pretty boring.
Agreed. Squatting is awesome but doing nothing else would get old fast. As I mentioned earlier, squatting is the most common movement in fitness and a great diagnostic tool. It's also, when performed well, a great way to build a butt. There are many other exercises that can and will be incorporated into any lower-body program, but being able to perform a well-executed squat is a critical component of building a strong, functional physique.
My trainer says my squats look great. I don’t need your help.
Sigh. They always say that, don’t they? Remember that whether your trainer sees room for improvement in your squat - or any other movement - is very much limited by their own level of expertise. If their knowledge is limited, they won't be able to tweak your technique much before they’re unable to see any potential for further improvement. Once they see nothing else to correct they proudly declare your squats ‘look great’. Meanwhile your butt isn’t changing like you hoped, is it?
(I fully appreciate the irony here in that I am also limited by my own level of expertise. I don’t pretend to know everything but suffice to say I’m yet to see a squat that can’t be optimised to some degree.)
I don't want to train for strength because I don't want to look big and bulky.
It saddens me how common this sentiment is. The reality is that for the vast majority of women, developing a 'bulky' amount of muscle-mass is biologically impossible. Testosterone is the most important ingredient for building muscle mass, and women simply don't have enough of it to build the muscle-mass they're trying to avoid.
Women usually can, however, develop just enough muscle tone to create sleek definition around their arms, waist, buttocks and thighs. Women who train for strength will also enjoy a higher metabolism, increased rate of fat loss, increased bone density and usually notice a corresponding increase in confidence and quality of life.
During my time in the fitness industry I've watched thousands of women join gyms in order to perform hours and hours of cardio each week, only to become increasingly despondent when no discernible change occurs to their physique. I've been privileged to introduce a small percentage of these women to strength training, and without exception they are astonished at the speed with which they burn fat and improve muscle tone. Many of these women comment excitedly that they've seen more progress in a few months of strength training than they saw in the last X number of years running on treadmills.
Somehow, despite all the evidence to the contrary, the 'big and bulky' myth lives on.
Not a single client of mine has ever expressed disappointment in the way their physique developed as they got stronger. Not a single one has regretted training for strength. Most of my female clients tell me they regret the years they wasted doing cardio.
But don't take my word for it
Book a complimentary Clarity Call
Consider a 75- Movement & Strength Assessment ($250)
And we'll find out if there's a fit to work together
Have a question we haven't answered on the FAQ, Train With Me or Book Now pages?
Interested in future opportunities to work with Stu?
Let us know and we'll be in touch
Address: Mind and Body Gym Fitzroy, 81 Johnston St, Fitzroy VIC 3065Select times available Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Each client has a set time each week to fit with teaching and mentoring schedules.
Workshops are run in Melbourne and interstate upon request.Send us an email and we'll book a call. No need for phone tag. Convenient, Simple & Direct.
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